Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Last week, after my 20-week checkup with the midwives, Zack and his mom and I went to have the gender scan ultrasound- which is supposed to be the last one of my pregnancy (midwives try to keep that kind of technology limited, considering we don't know the full effect of it on the fetus).  The tech found out the gender but didn't tell us- she wrote it on a piece of paper and folded it up times a bajillion and put it in an envelope.  Zack's mom took that envelope to a bakery and instructed them to fill it blue if it said boy, pink if it said girl.  On Sunday we gathered at MIL's house with a few close friends and cut the cake...

Wow, I was shocked!  I've been carrying everything in the front, the baby had been so active, and big, and I just *knew* it was a boy!  When Zack and I started a registry, we even picked out a couple of blue things because I was so sure.  Baby girl's name is Gwenna Michele.  I felt a little disappointed at first, but I think that was only because I was disappointed in myself for not knowing- for mis-labeling my little girl and not knowing her, and having to do the bonding thing pretty much all over again.  Instead of imagining little footballs and sailboats, I had to start imagining butterflies and ballet slippers. 

Now we're all very excited, and just can't wait to welcome our baby girl into the world!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Honeymoon Trimester

It took a while, but I've found myself totally comfortable several times in the past week.  I'm in week 19, so it took me nearly a month to feel the relief most people feel in the beginning of their second trimester, but it doesn't really matter to me anymore because I get to feel the baby move ALL the time now. 

I think I may have gained 10 pounds in the past month, but I'm not going to get too down about that because with the way I've been drinking water, probably half of that is fluids, and I lost 20 pounds in the first trimester anyway.  Still pretty scared of the weigh-in next week... yikes!

More in the way of pregnancy development: very relaxed attitude.  Even something that would normally send me up the wall only elicited one rude comment from my angry mouth, which then twisted into a grimace and then gasped and then bawled because I felt so bad and so sorry for that comment.

I still get grumpy sometimes, but it's not bad, and I definitely don't feel like dying.  I'm happy!  Yeah, you read right :)

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Okay, okay, I probably have to excuse and explain my absence from here for so long: HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM, kidney stone in each side, and gallbladder polyp.  Good enough explanation?  'Kay, moving on.

I've been feelings so much better (I'm about 18 weeks now) and often I'm actually hungry.  I thought I'd share a few of my favorites here:


Sliced tomatoes (my favorite is the kind off the vine)
Fresh mozzarella
Basil leaves
Olive oil
Salt (optional)

Now throw it all together.  Seriously, knock yourself out!


Two slices of WHOLE WHEAT (respect your nutrition, preggos... so you can binge on chocolate ice cream when a real craving hits) bread
One egg, fried (I like mine over-hard)
A little bit of butter or olive oil on the toast & to cook with

Come on.  You know what to do.


Frozen berries (I use raspberries, blackberries, blueberries)
No-sugar-added applesauce
Strawberry yogurt

I blend the berries first, adding some lemonade to keep it all moving.  Then the applesauce and yogurt.  Seriously ridiculously delicious!

Okay, um... now I'm going to go stuff my face.